Habibi, 2019

Video and audio, 5’

Produced during the international residency coordinated by Claude Corongiu

Fondazione MACC, Calasetta

ph Ela Bialkowska, OKNOstudio

It is the year in which the sovranist, anti-European, right wing Lega party is elected to office in Italy and cracks down on immigration. Montini boards a small boat and lets himself drift out onto the Mediterranean Sea. From there he sings – off key – a traditional Sardinian dirge: “Anninia Anninia”. It’s a lullaby to the empty cradle of a deceased infant.

from MONTINI’S ASYNCHRONICITIES By Lorenzo Bernini, Translated from Italian by Julia Heim

Ruben practices “Anninia Anninia”, the traditional Sardinian lullaby, together with the members of the female-only Eufonia choir from Gavoi, a small town in the centre of the island.


Le mani di mia madre che non mi hanno detto addio


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